Musical Director
To oversee the wellbeing of the chorus and its members
To ensure there are appropriate education and training opportunities to enhance and develop members’ skills and knowledge
To ensure that the best person available is appointed as MD and to manage that person to ensure that the aims and objectives of the chorus are being met
To prepare rehearsal plans with the MD, visiting coaches and Music Team as applicable
To promote the chorus in the wider community
To direct the chorus at rehearsals, sing outs and other events and, where this is not possible, to liaise with the Executive to select a suitable alternative director for the event in question
To enhance and improve the music, singing and performance level of the chorus in a positive and encouraging way
To provide guidance to the Executive (or Music Team if appropriate) in the selection of suitable songs for the chorus
To assist and provide guidance to the Executive (or Music Team if appropriate) in auditioning prospective new members
To liaise with the Executive (or Music Team if appropriate) in the planning of rehearsals
To work together with the Executive (or Music Team if appropriate) in the selection and use of coaches and to work effectively in collaboration with the selected coaches
To encourage and nurture the skills of chorus members who wish to develop their own directorship and other relevant
To attend BABS directors’ events as appropriate and to feedback to the Executive (or Music Team if appropriate)
To chair meetings of the Committee and the AGM
To define the roles of committee members with the agreement of the Committee
To be available to every member of the chorus
To motivate, encourage and congratulate, where appropriate.
To deal with difficult situations in a compassionate, effective and timely manner
To ensure that a democratic and inclusive approach is always adhered to.